Open for the 2024 Season May 1st

Attention, beer enthusiasts! The month we’ve all been waiting for has arrived – Virginia’s Craft Beer Month in Southwest Virginia (SWVA) is here! With its breathtaking landscapes, rich history, and burgeoning craft beer scene, SWVA is the ultimate destination for beer lovers seeking unique, handcrafted brews. Join us as we dive into the hoppy world of craft beer in this enchanting region.

Pub Guests1. Virginia’s Craft Beer Boom:

Virginia’s craft beer industry has experienced a remarkable boom in recent years, and SWVA has played a significant role in this surge. With its fertile soil, pristine waters, and favorable climate, the region offers ideal conditions for growing high-quality ingredients that contribute to exceptional beer flavors. This, combined with the passion and innovation of local brewers, has transformed SWVA into a craft beer paradise, and Damascus Old Mill Inn & Restaurant is dialed in! With selections of brews from all along the Appalachian Trail, variety is not in short demand.

2. Unveiling the Rich History of SWVA Breweries:

As you embark on your craft beer journey in SWVA, you’ll quickly realize that each brewery has a unique story to tell. From family-owned establishments dating back generations to cutting-edge microbreweries, the region boasts an array of breweries, each with its own signature style and cultural influence. Raise a glass and toast to the craftsmanship and traditions that have shaped these local brews.

Damascus Old Mill Inn Bourbon Bar3. Exploring the Breweries:

With Virginia’s Craft Beer Month in full swing, there’s no better time to explore the plethora of breweries scattered throughout SWVA. Wander through charming towns and vibrant cities, sampling a variety of beer styles, from crisp lagers to robust stouts and everything in between. Each brewery showcases its creativity, making for an exciting and diverse tasting experience.

4. Beer and Beyond: Embracing SWVA’s Culture:

Virginia’s Craft Beer Month in SWVA goes beyond the mere act of sipping beer. The celebrations offer an opportunity to immerse yourself in the region’s culture, connecting with locals who are just as passionate about their craft as they are about their community. Engage in lively conversations with fellow beer enthusiasts and discover the distinct charm of SWVA.

Bar at Damascus Old Mill Inn5. Savor the Flavors: Food and Beer Pairings:

Pairing craft beer with delectable dishes is an art form in SWVA, and during this special month, local restaurants and breweries collaborate to offer unforgettable culinary experiences. This is true for Damascus Old Mill Inn and Restaurant. We offer a selection of brews from all along the Appalachian Trail. That’s right, you can drink beer from states all along the AT and our Bar Manager has carefully paired those beers with our unique Appalachian American dishes. Savor mouthwatering food and beer pairings that complement and elevate the flavors of both, creating an explosion of taste that will linger in your memory.

6. SWVA Craft Beer Events:

Throughout Virginia’s Craft Beer Month, SWVA comes alive with an array of exciting beer-centric events. Attend beer festivals, tap takeovers, brewer’s dinners, and educational sessions hosted by expert brewers. These events offer a chance to deepen your knowledge of brewing techniques, beer styles, and the stories behind the brews.

Virginia’s Craft Beer Month in Southwest Virginia is a celebration of craftsmanship, community, and creativity. As you traverse this beer-filled region, you’ll encounter an astonishing variety of flavors, styles, and cultural influences that make SWVA’s craft beer scene truly unique. Whether you’re a seasoned beer connoisseur or just beginning to explore the world of craft brews, this month-long celebration promises to be an unforgettable experience. So raise your glass and join us as we toast to the brewers, the beers, and the beautiful spirit of SWVA. Cheers!

The Damascus Brewery Damascus, VA
Seven Sisters Brewery Wytheville, VA
State Street Brewing Bristol, VA
Back of the Dragon Brewery Tazewell, VA
Sweetbay Brewing Company Abingdon, VA
Tumbling Creek Cider Company Abingdon, VA